We’re over the moon!

Nicomatic connectors have reached new heights – literally. Nicomatics CMM and Microflex™ connectors played a crucial role in the…

Framtidens Ledarskap – AI och digitalisering

Den pågående digitaliseringen och inte minst den snabba utvecklingen inom AI ställer nya krav på framtidens ledare. Vi på Accurate Nordic AB vill därför tillsammans med vår strategiska partner för offentliga ledarskapsaffärer KC Group, hälsa välkomna till ett spännande event på Operaterassen 24:e oktober.

Special Solutions for Special Missions

Did you know Accurate specializes in advanced applications for defence and aerospace applications? Together with our partners we can provide unmatched solutions for your rugged tactical power, signal and computer needs. Dig into the different possibilities on our page or contact us for an on-line demonstration.

News from MPL!

Fanless Embedded Computer The PIP40 Family Fanless Embedded Computer MPL AG presents a proven fanless Embedded Computer Family based on the Intel Xeon processor (PIP40 Family), built in 19″ rack housings (two units fit into a 1U). The solution shown is mounted into a 1U housing.